Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) App.

Filed in iPhone Apps

CMP iphone ipad itouch appThe Civilian Marksmanship Program better known as CMP, recently released a great tool for your iPhone, iPad, and iTouch to help you keep score for all CMP matches and events. The app is now available at the Apple App Store for your iPhone and iPad.

The CMP app  is an easy to use tool that helps you quickly record your scores after each string. After entering in your scores, CMP will calculate your shooting percentage automatically and help you track your progress during your event.

CMP also helps you by recording conditions, notes,  and scoring of each event so you have a permanent record at your finger tips.

Last but not least,  proceeds of the CMP iPhone, iPad, iTouch App. go to support the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

CMP iPhone, iPad, iTouch, marksman shooting app CMP iPhone, iPad, iTouch, marksman shooting appCMP iPhone, iTouch, iPad shoting app

CMP iPhone, iPad, iTouch, marksmanship scoring appCMP iPhone, iPad, iTouch, marksmanship scoring app


CMP iPad App

CMP iphone ipad itouch marksmanship event scoring app

CMP iphone ipad itouch marksmanship event scoring app

CMP iphone ipad itouch marksmanship event scoring app

CMP iphone ipad itouch marksmanship event scoring app

CMP iphone ipad itouch marksmanship event scoring app


Posted by admin   @   28 August 2010
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